About CDFC
The California Dried Fruit Coalition (CDFC) was formed as a cooperative effort by the
California date, fig, prune and raisin industries to promote the nutritional value and
versatility of uses for these traditional dried fruits to policy makers influencing food
purchase decisions for America’s schools and foodservice agencies.
California accounts for nearly all of the national production of California dates, figs,
prunes and raisins. The following counties, including Riverside, Imperial, Fresno,
Sutter, Madera, Merced, Los Angeles, Tulare, Kern, Kings, Butte, Yuba, Tehama and
Glenn, are the leading production areas.
California Date Commission
Dates have no added sugars and are a naturally low
moisture fruit. They are a good source of fiber, have 6
essential vitamins, 7 minerals, and are heart healthy.
California Prune Board
California Prune growers take care to produce only the
biggest, sweetest plums. They have no sugar added,
provide soluble and insoluble fiber, are a polyphenol
powerhouse (antioxidants), and help support bone health.
California Raisin
Administrative Committee
California Raisin growers produce 100% of the U.S.
raisins in an area within a 60 mile radius of Fresno,
California. California Raisins have no added sugar, are
fat and cholesterol free, are naturally low in sodium,
and are a source of concentrated nutrients.
© 2022 California Dried Fruit Coalition. All Rights Reserved.